South Annual Conference Volunteer Form: Click Here

Join Us This Sunday For In Person Worship!
10:15AM Worship Service

You've Found Your Church!
Have you recently relocated to the West Palm Beach or surrounding area? Are you and your family looking for a friendly church to grow spiritually? You have found the perfect church! Here at Payne Chapel, we are a Christ centered body of believers. We emphasize the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and how his love offers a new and better life for you. We offer various ministries to uplift yourself, your family, and our surrounding community. You owe it to yourself to visit us this Sunday to hear a powerful and relevant Word from our dynamic leadership team, Reverend Odell & Reverend Lateria Watson! See you Sunday at 10:15AM!

There's A Ministry For You!
Simply joining a church is not enough. God wants you to connect to an active Christian community. At Payne Chapel we have ministries for all ages. Whether its a youth participating in our Youth Ministry, or a senior citizen in our Senior ministry, we have room for your gifts to the Kingdom of God. Pray to God about your passion knowing there is a placement for that passion right here!

Meaningful Worship!
A meaningful Sunday morning worship experience is central to a church. We believe in a life changing experience every Sunday! Refuel, refresh, and be restored this Sunday at 10:15AM!

Be A Part Of History, Be A Part Of Payne!
We are not a church in isolation. We believe in being actively engaged in the social and economic issues effecting the lives of everyone in Palm Beach County.

Connect Right Now!
No matter how hard life gets, you are not alone. We are in this together. You can live chat with someone right now by simply clicking on the chat icon in the lower right corner of this webpage or fill out the form to your left. Let's grow with God!